
Discuss gender equality, diversity and inclusion at your workplace

The card came #atourworkplace is a concrete and easy-to-use tool to get employees, management, human resources and unions to discuss and develop gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The card game contains 24 discussion cards focusing on gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The cards present facts and questions to prompt discussions about the way things are at your workplace. The material is based on research and practical experience from working with gender equality and diversity issues.

The card game is available in English, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, Finnish and Polish. The card games are available in both physical and digital versions. You can get the physical card games in the webshop. The app #inclusion contains the card games in all the languages, you find it in your smart phone’s app store and to get digital versions of the card games for your workplace please contact us.

There are free sample discussion cards, in English, Swedish, German, French, Spannish, Finnish and Polish, in the  “Try a sample” section, see below.





Card games for discussion and development
Learn More

How it works

Use the questions on the cards to discuss how your organization can work to achieve gender equality, diversity and an inclusive culture. Each card begins with a statement to reflect on, followed by a more in-depth explanation and discussion questions related to your workplace. Keep the discussion relevant to working life and your workplace and avoid referring to your own or other people’s examples from private life. Discuss in groups of 3-5 people.




Try a sample

Try for free a sample of the discussion card games #atourworkplace, #anUnseremArbeitsplatz, #ANotreTarvail, #EnNuestroTrabajo, #MeidänTyöpaikallemme, #unaswpracy and #hurärdethososs!




Try 5 of the 24 discussion cards for free, downloadable pdf files:

Digital card game #atourworkplace sample (English)

Digital card game #anUnseremArbeitsplatz sample (German)

Diskussionskortlek#hurärdethososs smakprov (Swedish)

Digital card game #ANotreTravail sample (French)

Digital cardgame #EnNuestroTrabajo sample (Spanish)

Digital cardgame #MeidänTyöpaikallamme sample (Finnish)

Digital card game #unaswpracy sample (Polish)


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